Stay up to date with our transformative sessions, offering practical applications and expert guidance to make lasting impressions in your dental practice and all aspects of life. Access the resources you need to excel in your professional journey and overcome challenges with ease.

Title: The Principle of Authority in Dentistry
Date: 19th, Wednesday June 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Become the go-to expert in your field by showcasing your qualifications and achievements.

Learn how to build trust and credibility through professional affiliations and ongoing education.

Discover how to communicate your expertise in a way that inspires confidence and attracts patients.

Title: The Principle of Commitment & Consistency in Dentistry
Date: 22nd, Thursday August 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Lock in patient commitment and drive repeat business with appointment reminders and follow-up strategies.

Discover how to encourage patients to prioritise their oral health and stick to treatment plans.

Learn how to create a culture of commitment and consistency within your practice.

Title: The Principle of Unity in Dentistry
Date: 25th, Wednesday September 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Foster a strong team spirit and maximise results by creating a shared vision and purpose.

Discover how to build a positive and collaborative work environment that attracts and retains talent operators.

Learn how to leverage the power of “we” to achieve greater success as a team.

Title: The Principle of Commitment & Consistency in Dentistry
Date: 22nd, Thursday August 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Lock in patient commitment and drive repeat business with appointment reminders and follow-up strategies.

Discover how to encourage patients to prioritise their oral health and stick to treatment plans.

Learn how to create a culture of commitment and consistency within your practice.

Title: The Principle of Social Proof in Dentistry
Date: 29th, Wednesday May 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Embrace the power of testimonials, reviews, and case studies to showcase your expertise.

Discover how to leverage social media and online communities to build credibility and attract new patients.

Learn how to showcase your happy and satisfied patients to build trust and encourage referrals.

Title: The Principle of Reciprocity in Dentistry
Date: 28th Wednesday, February 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Turn “thank you” into “thank you again” with loyalty programs and patient appreciation initiatives.

Discover the psychology of giving and receiving that fosters lasting relationships.

Learn how to offer valuable extras that go beyond expectations and build trust.

Title: The Principle of Scarcity in Dentistry
Date: 19th Tuesday,  March 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Spark urgency and drive appointments with limited-time offers and exclusive promotions.

Master the art of creating a sense of “miss out” while maintaining ethical boundaries.

Discover how to highlight valuable opportunities without resorting to pressure tactics.

Title: The Principle of Liking in Dentistry
Date: 26th, Friday  April 2024
Time: 8.00 PM EST

Build rapport, trust, and connection through genuine interactions and personalised communication.

Learn how to leverage your unique personality and strengths to attract ideal patients.

Discover the secrets of creating a welcoming and positive environment in your practice.